Hello, my mom is 57 and she has been complaining about some various issues, that all seem related to something neurological. Here are a few of the things she s mentioned: 1) an episode lasting about 5 minutes while shopping at costco where everything suddenly looked distorted... she explained peoples faces looking long and warped like the movie Scream . 2) she has had a weird and repetitive gnashing of teeth, where her head with jerk to the side involuntarily and then her jaw will clench/lock, and she cannot open her mouth until the spasm stops. 3) the other day she said she woke up in the middle of the night to the feeling of being struck by lightening. She couldn t explain it any further than a flash of light and a jolt that felt like electricity. 4) she s complaining about feeling really tired 5) in my opinion, not hers, she has been forgetful, anxious, and very introverted... like her personality is changing almost. She and I have always had a good relationship, but she s not herself. She refuses to go to the doctor, but I am really worried something could be wrong. Her only KNOWN health issues is she is a carrier of OTC deficiency (a metabolic disorder that causes hyperammonemia), and has been warned that she could become symptomatic after menopause... which she is currently going through. Thank you for your help! - Brittney