Hi, my S.O (25yo Male) discovered he had pulmonary stenosis at 18 and then within the last couple years developed ulcerative colitis. Within the past month I ve seen severe deterioration and it s almost like he s not himself, whereas, in august he was experiencing bloody stools once or twice a week, dizziness randomly, and heart palpitations/PVCs at times. At least once a day he would experience a symptom. However, this past month I ve seen a drastic almost dire change. He feels like he is losing his vision or it gets blurry, tingling all over body, he is having speech problems, motor problems, and he doesn t essentially think like he used to. For example, he is a gamer and within the past month drastically he cannot play games without stuttering and most of the time he gives up and lays in bed dozing all day. He has always been on disability, but I m afraid he is different and he says he struggles to portray his personality to me and others like it exhausts him to get up from bed or go out to dinner, which was never the case before. He saw a neurologist 7 months ago and got MRI and EEG and nothing was popping up. Within the past couple months and just 2 weeks ago we went to the ER for more MRI scans and answers for emergency symptoms. One point 2 weeks ago, we thought he had encephalitis because he complained of swelling, slight fever, and the continuous motor and speech problems. (again all within past month). We are worried he may have MS or any other neurological disease.