I am a 32 yr old female. My symptoms: off feeling overall, eyes seem to not focus right, I have to unclog my ears constantly (plug my nose and blow), sometimes hear weird sounds(ringing or a fullness when I bend over) , feeling off balance, foggy brain, tons of floaters in my vision. These symptoms fire off my anxiety levels and I then am told it s all anxiety by my dr who tells me I m fine....I do not feel fine.. I almost have a feeling like I m looking at something and it looks off compared to how I used to see before these weird symptoms. When I unclog my ears sometimes I hear a noise that sounds like fluid trying to get out. Lots of pressure on my head...weird pains in my head as well that my dr brushes off.. Fell like I m floating? Vertigo sometimes...ugh I just want to feel normal again. I m scared I have a tumor or cancer ect...