I have gone through your query and I can understand your concerns.
As per your description the the
body ache your are having can be due to some kind of
viral fever.Most cases subside with in a week with supportive management,but we have to rule out "dengue" and "chickunguniya" which can rarely cause some complications.
I suggest you to consult a general practitioner and get the following things done:
1.Base line blood investigation and urine routine examination.
2.Dengue NS1 test to rule out dengue fever.
If your doctor suspect bacterial infection you may require antibiotic treatment.
As of now do the following things:
paracetamol for pain and fever.
2.Tepid sponging with tap water to control body temperature.
3.Drink plenty of water.
4.Watch for bleeding manifestation like gum bleeds because
hypotension and hemorrhage are common complications of viral fever including dengue.
Hope I have answered your query.