Hello dear, I have gone through your history, Sorry to say, I think you must have to checked it out for "fistula in ano" from surgeon.
fistula-in-ano is a chronic abnormal communication between the epithelialised surface of the
anal canal and the perianal skin.
Abscesses can recur if the fistula seals over, allowing the accumulation of pus. It then points to the surface again, and the process repeats.
Anal fistulas per se do not generally harm, but can be very painful, and can be irritating because of the pus-drain (it is also possible for formed stools to be passed through the fistula); additionally, recurrent abscesses may lead to significant short term morbidity from pain, and create a nidus for systemic spread of infection.
Surgery is considered essential in the decompression of acute abscesses; repair of the fistula itself is considered an elective procedure which many patients elect to undertake due to the discomfort and inconvenience associated with a draining tract.
So dear, In your case I recommend you to get checked out from a surgeon for fistula in ano & get removed it for permanent relief.