I was diagnosed with Fibro. some 9 years ago at the VA. I am male, about to turn 70 and have experienced recently what has a been called fiber fog or brain fog. My current Primary Care Provider at the VA 3 weeks ago took me off Grapentin and citralopram which I had been on since 2002 for PTSD. While the confusion of the brain fog has cleared the physical pain of the fibro. is back, especially in my hands and feet as well as my elbows and knees and shoulders. Added to that is an increase in angry, violent nightmares as well as a sense of being either a word away from tears or an angry outburst. mostly the angry outbursts happen which leave my spouse wondering who the hell I am! My current PCP is absolutely worthless, more concerned with his lunch break than my health, and has left me in this zombie land fluctuating between almost violent anger, tears, guilt, and a feeling of worthlessness! Help!!!