Hi, for just over a week now I ve been having brown vaginal discharge. I was on Feanolla for 3 and a half months without any problems with this and I had fairly regular periods. The brown discharge started a week before my period was due (I know it s rare for periods to continue to be regular on the pill) and just hasn t stopped. A week after this started I went to the doctors, I know I m not pregnant and don t have an infection, the doctor changed my pill to Micronor (norethisterone) on Friday, I ve been taking this pill for 3 days now, I know that s not long but I m getting paranoid this brown discharge won t stop and I m stressed because I want to be able to have sex with my boyfriend and it s making me self conscious and embarrassed. Basically I just want to know if this is all normal and if the change of pill might help this stop? Thanks for any help.