Hello I am a women and here are my symptoms. I am always tired, I have weird bruising with raised veins at the slightest bit of impact in my hands. If I m hungry and I don t eat right way I either get really sick or get a crazy head ache, the same thing happens when I m too tired and can t get to bed. My legs are always in pain and cramping, and my knees crack every 5 seconds, I also have a lot of cracking in my pelvic region. Sometimes I loose feeling in my legs and it s hard for me to get upstairs. My entire body actually cramps up, especially my knees hands and feet. My hair is falling out all over the place. I can t control my weight, 2 months ago I was in a size 13 now I can wear a size 7 to 10. When I m hungry I m starving doesn t even matter if I can only consume a little bit, I feel like I haven t eaten in days until I get food, and sometimes even after I m full that feeling doesn t go away. I have extreme fatigue yet I can never seem to get to sleep easily. Sometimes I break in hives randomly. I don t know please help me.