Hello. Thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. As your
head injury has occurred 7 years back, your injuries must have healed by now. The bulging vein over temporal region at that time could be due to inflammation, thrombophelibitis or direct injury. But all these conditions resolve in few days to months.
Bulging of temporal vein which is asymptomatic and without reason could be due to thin scalp
subcutaneous tissue and increased blood flow with age. It is normal for temporal vein to become prominent with age, with exercise, loss of body fat. If it is not causing pain on pressing, no redness over it, no swelling and no fever, then it should be normal. You can feel vein and if it is compressible that means it is normal and blood is actively flowing through it.
Regarding occasional pain at temporal region, it could be due to
tension headache, pain due to
eye strain, migraine. It can only be confirmed after proper clinical evaluation and may be after some radiological investigation. You can take
Diclofenac sodium for pain after proper prescription. Kindly get your vision, blood pressure checked up.
Hope it will help you. Thanks. Take care.