Hello, I noticed tonight that my boyfriend has a few little bumps on the foreskin of his penis. They are right at the very end of his foreskin kind of in a little row heading toward the shaft. They are kind of clustered in a little row. There is no discoloration, they are elevated, and aren't rough. He says that he's had them for a very long time, but couldn't pin point an exact time, just that it's been within the past few years. I'm concerned that it looks like genital warts, but we've been together for 6 years, and I would assume that I would have gotten them (or noticed them) by now. I did get my first abnormal pap smear recently, and have been having to deal with that. But, I had STD testing while at the gyno and was all neg. Also, from what I understand the HPV that causes warts isn't the same kind that could cause cancer? I am scheduling him an appointment today, but I guess what I'm asking is if it sounds likely that they could be warts, and if a strain of HPV that causes warts could cause cervical cancer?