I am experience severe shooting, hot burning pains in my foot - mostly at night. It wakes me up instantly and can get so bad I can t let the sheets touch my foot, or lay my foot on the mattress. A podiatrist told me it was bunions (which I have), but it is not bunion pain. A neurologist had an MRI of my lower back - which has MANY problems. I had lower back surgery a couple years ago to clean up spinal stenosis, take out a huge senovial cyst, bone spurs, etc. I also have a couple bulging discs, and the spinal condition where one disc slides forward over another. My back is a mess. However, this pain that I mostly get at rest, does not radiate down my leg (not sciatica). The nerve pain is on the big toe side of my foot, along the arch on the side. I m afraid I will develop drop foot. I don t know what doctor to go to next. Any suggestions as to what it is? I have used a heating pad and that seems to help some.