I am a 29 year old male and for the past couple of weeks I've been having issues when I urinate and it's starting to worry me. I constantly have to push, or strain, in order to urinate. If I don't push when attempting to urinate then my urine just trickles out or doesn't come out at all plus it takes a really long time for me to start urinating and when I finally do start to urinate for some reason it will stop then go then stop again. Also it feels like I was not able to empty my bladder completely. I'm also suffering from the constant urge to urinate and urinary frequency. It feels like I always have the urge to urinate. I have to get up and urinate 3 or 4 times at night. My urine looks a little darker than normal, but it's not cloudy nor does it smell. It kinda burns when I urinate. It's like an odd feeling. When I urinate I feel this burning, tingling, pins and needles sensation. I don't know how to explain it. All of these urinary issues that I'm having is driving me crazy. I never had a bladder or urinary tract infection before. I passed kidney stones about a year ago and they were small. I was wondering what might be the cause of all these urinary problems. Why do I have to strain all the time and why do I have this constant urge to urinate? Do I have a a UTI or some other type of infection?