Hi .
My scrotum has a very light burning sensation.
My doctor says it could just be an irritation and to apply rash cream .
Footnote : I am on my last day of my 10 days of antibiotics, (APO-DOXY 100mg Tabs) .
Because I had protected (with a condom) oral sex with another paying partner .
My doctor tells me I do not have any std. Because the tests returned negative .
Why these pills.
She okayed me for sexual intercourse with my wife on the 9th day of antibiotics.
I must also say, before all this I say, I shave often my scrotum often, and it gets red or breaks out into a rash or bleeds when I use a new blade.
It does not feel right . I am concerned that the doc ,missed something and I just wanted to make sure .
Please help.