Hi, I have had urinary problems for a number of years. Specifically these are: weak stream with mild burning sensation, getting up 2 - 3 times to urinate at night, and, over the past year hematospermia on most episodes of ejaculation. I also have heamaturia (invisible) and strong smelling urine. Over the years I have had 3 cystoscopies all normal. Rectal examinations and renal dye tests have also been normal. I have been taking tamsulosin for the past couple of years. My reason for approaching you is that the hematospermia is more frequent of late and ejaculation is quite uncomfortable, verging on painful. Should I put this down to some form of chronic prostatis and if so, is there a way of getting a definite diagnosis of this condition so that I can stop worrying that there may be a more sinister cause? The only thing that gives me some assurance is that I have had the symptoms of weak urination with burning since the 1990s and I tell myself that had it been something sinister I would not be here now! Thanks& regards, John