I don t know what to ask. I haven t gotten all the information I need at this time. Our sister has just come out of surgery. I her cancer wasn t encapsulated as thought in her liver. I was also found at the appendix, and surrounding lymph nodes, as well as a part of the colon. I was told that 85% of the liver was removed and 1/2 of the colon. I am the stronger family support member. They come to me for answer. I DON T know. I feel they would not have done as extensive amount of surgery w/o the outcome being optimistic. She is not expecting this in other areas when she went in. I want to know how to be able to help, but I am a person that needs to know the facts. That why I am searching. No family has had cancer, except our brother. He had transitional cell CA of the urethral tube with Mets to liver, lung when found. We just don t understand. They are the healthiest of the family. What is the usual outcome for survival. I don t know the stage.