Hai im Dr.Subramanian
Welcome to HCM
A baby is termed to be viable only when it safely crosses atleast 28 weeks in the mothers uterus.
Unfortunately ur grandson was delivered at 25 weeks due to several reasons.
I do understand its a very precious baby for the entire family.
Making such a premature baby survive for 8 months in NICU, is of great deal, so for heaven sake dont curse the doctors who has treated him first, the team would have done fairly a good job.
Cerebral Palsy is a static disorder of the brain which can happen not only to
premature babies but also to term babies due to several reasons. It is a late complication, which can only indentified as the baby grows.
Cerebral atrophy is the shrinkage of the brain parenchyma due to poor oxygen supply to his brain so long.It is an MRI finding.
As the baby is premature most of the organs will be under developed.
The problems frequently encountered will be
RDS- i.e,
respiratory distress syndrome, due to the lack of surfactant, which is a lubricating agent for the lungs.
Cerebral Hypoxia, i.e due to the decreased blood supply, inturn leading to decreased oxygen supply to the brain will lead to fits in the baby.
NEC, necrotising enterocolitis- which is the infection of the GIT, due to prematurity.
Acute kidney injury, due to prematurity or
retinopathy of prematurity, where his eyes will be involved.
Hearing has to be assessed.
Major problem of all is sepsis, which is very difficult to overcome.
So what i suggest you is, be patient and dont leave hope.
Only the mother should handle the baby., that too under strict asepsis.
Continue tube feeds.
If required and affordable appoint a dedicated staff nurse at home who is experienced in handling in such premature babies.
She will require atleast weekly check up with your paediatrician.
The important thing you need to concentrate now is his weight gain.
The basic requirement of milk is 150ml per kg per day. Give appropriate feeds.
Add MCT oil 1ml to each feed.
Add HMF sachets 1 per day in divided doses.
You will have to face several obstacles, confidently overcome it.
Forget about the cerebral atrophy or cerabral palsy thing for now, if at all that happens we will face later, nothing to do now.
physiotherapy from now.Move all his limbs and joints frequently.
Take care.