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Congenital problems in Children Questions & Answers

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13 1 Wed, 22 Jul 2020
Hello, My name is Daisy Pittari.I AM 37, 5 FEET 8 INCHES, 128 POUNDS. I was diagnosed finally i December of 09 with a Pancreas Divism after 4 years of illness at Baylor University after an ERCP was performed. After several ERCP s with stent placement and removal, I was told I was going to have to...
11 1 Fri, 1 Feb 2019
I am 31 weeks pregnant with my secnd child. During an ultrasound they discovered my son is missing his right lung and his heart is on the right side of his chest. With several ultrasounds the docs say his heart is strong, formed correctly n the right size. They cannot see the vein that would be...
13 1 Tue, 4 Dec 2018
ive had 3 pregnancys 1st baby born perfect 2nd baby born with rare chromosone defect m1p36 she died at 17 months 3rd pregnancy had down syndrome and i felt i would be unable to cope again so i terminated the pregnancy now im 7 weeks pregnant and feel exhausted is this a good sign all babys with...
19 2 Tue, 27 Nov 2018
my husband has brugada syndrom we al ready have a son who fortunatelly does not have the syndrome. We are thinking of having another baby but we know that there is a possibility of 50% of having the syndrom. We al ready had a genetic test but without any result. The test that our son had was...
11 1 Tue, 27 Nov 2018
my baby is 1year and 2 months old...he has a small hole on nose from birth..i thought its a birthmark..but a month ago it has drop drop blood coming out of it for few hours..i consulted a doctor and was l,ike that its a fistula...then i consulted a second doctor he said that its a cyst..and has...
13 1 Thu, 22 Nov 2018
Iam a Nigerian,my son has breathing problem at birth, congenital ptosis of the eye due to cranial nerve damage or occulomotor and other developmental delays like speech impairment for instance he is six but still could not yet talk clearly. Doctors treating him in Nigeria are of divided opinions...
7 1 Wed, 10 Oct 2018
for fanconi case in an ivf child, age 5yrs no sibling,no match from parents and extended family, is chord stem transplant is a better option or should wait for a match???child is on steroids and had 1 blood transfusion last week.which is a good place (hospital)in india for this.
11 1 Mon, 8 Oct 2018
I have a son (3.5 yrs) with congenital anomaly. He has external deformities like absence of finger in right hand, absence of right side muscle of chest, short neck and he cant expand his jaw in full, still he cant speak. It seems to us that the other activity is almost normal. I want to go to...
13 1 Mon, 8 Oct 2018
my niece is 11/2 year old and she was born with abnormal feet ie her feet larger than normal ones, her toes are growing east west direction. now that she is walking she seems to throw her feet and walks due to the weight of the feet. what kind of abnormality is it?
7 1 Fri, 5 Oct 2018
1q21.1 microdeletion syndrome son age 13 wt 85 lbs ht 4 7 medical hx: short stature, congential heart defect, failure to thrive in infancy, just had gentic chromosome testing and was given this result. would like to know prognosis of future problems as adult.
6 1 Wed, 3 Oct 2018
my daughter in law has 4 children, she was just diagnosed, however had headaches, N/V as a child. Recently has had VA loss. What are the chances of the children getting this syndrome, and what are her chances for living a somewhat normal life as she has had.
8 1 Wed, 3 Oct 2018
I adopted my daughter and her sister when they were 2 and 3. The younger daughter has dubowitz syndrome. The older daughter has learning disabilities. Their biological father has dubowitz and their biological mother has moderate ( MoMd) handicapping conditions. My older daughter (27) is now...
7 1 Wed, 3 Oct 2018
Sir, My sisters son is now 2.5 years old and he is not able to walk. We have shown him to big doctors of BHU Varanasi and to Calcutta big doctors even but all of them saying that at the time of born only because of scarcity of oxygen one nerve got pressed and because of that his mental...
13 1 Wed, 3 Oct 2018
hi my son was diagnosed with a duplication of chromosome 22. He was born with chylothorax and since been diagnosed with liver problems and he feeds through a G tube. i was wondering if you could explain further what we are to be expecting with this duplication. thanks.
7 1 Fri, 28 Sep 2018
Dear Sir, This is regarding the case of Girl child Sharmistha Baliarsingh (6months) who is having Cardiac Problem of VSD 6.5mm and is very serious. The medical reports of her has already been faxed to your Medical on dated 28/02/2011 evening in the Fax no-0000 which has been received by you as...
63 1 Mon, 28 May 2018
My daughter has coarctation of the arota since she was 2, she is now 14. She has never experienced any problems and the cardiologists said after many test that it was not a severe narrowing. She has not started to pass out. I have appt tomorrow but I was wondering if her passing out may have to...
13 1 Fri, 25 May 2018
I have a 12-month old daughter. She was born with exactly the defect described as I read about asymmetrical crying face syndrome . We were told by the doctors at her birth that it was not due to birth injury (I had a c-section) as it only involves the mouth and not the eyes or forehead. We have...
13 1 Thu, 24 May 2018
my son age 4 years is diagnoised as congenital adrenal hyperplasia (salt loosing) since birth has developed skin itching problems since last 02 months.was shown to many doctors and applied various ointments viz ..ZOLE-F, RETINO -A .025%,Etc but no relief.SYMTOMS- body pours are visible and looks...
12 1 Wed, 23 May 2018
My son has congenital hydrocephlus with 1 year old va shunt replacing previous vp shunt due to enormous abdominal pseudocyst.He has chiari malformation,has had the surgery( removal of C1 and C2 and half of C3, some brain stem tissue). He has epilepsy, mild cerebral palsay, learning disabilites...
11 1 Wed, 23 May 2018
I was just told by a friend that speech impairment is sometimes a sequela of Duane s Syndrome which my son was recently diagnosed with. My 18 month old doesn t yet talk at all and I am concerned. Who do I go see about this? My pediatrician? An optometrist ( I hope not b/c she obviously didn t...
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