Hi, I am a male, 25 years old, and a total hypochondriac. Felt it d be safe to lead with that. I ve recently been experiencing some tingling/ minor pain in my hands and my left shoulder, as well as a bit of tingling which sometimes extends to my legs and feet. To be honest, I m not too worried about it, but I thought I d ask. I have no numbness or weakness, I run regularly, all other functions are fine! Mentally, I m a-ok. But for the past few weeks i ve been spending much of my days writing in bed (probably in various uncomfortable positions). I m a writer professionally, and we re in the middle of some stressful deadlines. I try to get out and stretch often enough, but I m sure I could be doing a better job of that. The other thing is I have cervical ribs and have been warned that sometimes with that, nerve issues can result! Any way to temper this! And what do you think it might be?? Thanks, Aaron