56 year old woman had spots increasing in number for over 3 weeks, no itching or blisters on spots, had about 500 plus each day multiplied to cover all parts of body except none on face or neck, and only went as far as top of hands. Not palms and only top of feet. Have had at least 7 tick bites in last month, first no other symptoms then lethargic achy, joints hurting fever increasing to 101.4 now...eyeballs hurt but eyes not red. Spots are no bigger than large top of pin head and only red... Yesterday spots started to disappear ....have appt with doctor tomorrow at 9 am , oh have some minor pressure on chest since Wednesday not heart related little discomfort in right side of groin should I let fever rise to try to fight whatever I have. DIDNT KNOW I WOULD HAVE TO PAY...THANK U I WILL WAIT TO SEE DOCTOR TOMORROW