Hello! I’m a 28 year old female... Used to be very active and I still eat well... I say ‘Used to be’ because back in August I started Getting this chest pain, and it’s been a snowball effect since then. I have zero energy and a plethora of very strange symptoms that don’t seem to go together (extremely swollen lymph nodes that have been swollen for years, chest pain, muscle spasms, joint pain, rash on my face, my fingers turn blue up to the knuckle and they’re very white above that, fatigue, headaches, ear pain, jaw pain, nausea, frequent urination, pain between shoulder blades, the list literally goes on and on)... I used to be an IV drug user and I contracted Hep C, which I’m currently under treatment for. My liver enzymes are elevated, but no cirrhosis. My hepatologist says there’s no way these strange symptoms are caused by the Hep... I also have stones in my left kidney... I’ve been tested for HIV (and all other STDs). My spleen is enlarged and I had an ECG come back abnormal, but I guess It was nothing to worry about because my doctors haven’t mentioned it. I’m at my wits end, and the only thing they keep trying to do is diagnose it as anxiety and tell me I need SSRIs... I have asked To be tested for lupus and certain cancers, but to no avail... I’m depressed BECAUSE I’m sick, not sick because I’m depressed, and I can t get them to understand that. The chest pain comes and goes, and I’m very short of breath often (which has never been an issue before). I’ve been clean off of drugs for 4 years, I do smoke marijuana, but it’s the only thing I can Find that eases some of the symptoms... My fingernails have many vertical lines in them, and they get VERY purple sometimes and VERY painful. What do I do?! Do you have any suggestions on how to talk to my doctors to get them to listen? Or any ideas on what could be wrong with me?! I also Have a constant dry mouth and constant dry eyes (I stay hydrated, and I can Tell it’s different from ‘cottonmouth’ from Cannabis)... Please help me!