I have been having recurring chest pain for over 2 months. It began shortly after a failed cycle of in vitro fertilization. The pain is sometimes sharp and stabbing, sometimes throbbing, sometimes achy, and sometimes burning. The pain migrates from the lower left side of the sternum, the upper right side of the sternum, or in both breasts. It has never been widespread or felt like it was in the center of my chest. The duration of the pain is typically a few seconds, but has lasted as long as approximately one minute. It is not brought on by exertion (I run 2-5 miles 2-3 days each week and have no problems). I feel heart palpitations when I am at rest (it feels like my heart skips a beat and then pounds very hard), I m estimating that approximately 5 or less occur each hour. I do not have shortness of breath, the pain does not radiate to any other locations; however, occasionally the pain occurs in the back or right shoulder instead of the chest. I ve had 3 normal EKGs, 2 normal chest x-rays, and a cardiac calcium scoring test with the result of 0. I ve had CMP, CBC, and cardiac blood tests, which all came back normal. My doctor suspected GERD, the medicine helped intially, but I still continue to have pain and palpitations. I am a 33 year old female, non-smoker, 97 pounds (I ve lost 10-15 pounds since the problems started), approximately 5 4 . I eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. The only history of heart conditions in my immediate family is my father, who had a mild heart attack when he was one month shy of 65 (he was a heavy smoker who ate nothing but TV dinners). What could be causing the pain?