After being on ahigh dose of thyroid medicatiom for 30+ years, I I VISITED a n encronolgist. The man ordered blood worknand soon afterward his office staff called me ti tell me to stop all of my thyroid medicatiomn and come back in 3 months, i questioned thre nurse but was reassured that the drs orders were correct. three months later i could hardly function so i went back ti my PCP_ who freake3d o0ut that i was noy on any throid meds. He confirmed the direction, I began having chest plain and sizzines, my speech was not understandable I thought I waqs having a hearexpectations that come with low throyd, I couldnt ger words out wright and my balance is very offt attack Test at the hospital prooved that my throyd wase ak not working and fluid doses if the drug were up im an IV for several hours.In addition to the typical things that go wrong with low throid. I cant speak clearlyand my gross motor skill are off. its been nearly 6 months since the episode and pht and spt are provided 2 times per week. Can this t5hyroid thing have caused my sympyoms?
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