Hi Dear,
Welcome to HCM.
Understanding your concern. As per your query you have chest pain, blurred vision and burning sensation in the stomach . Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like abrasions to the cornea , cataracts , migraine headaches , peripheral neuropathy ,
generalized anxiety disorder , panic attack ,
transient ischemic attack , diabetes, type 2 , migraine and
vitamin B12 deficiency . I would suggest you to to go for your appointment to your doctor . Doctor may order CT scan , check for intraocular pressure , ophthalmoscopy , refraction and blood testing to determine if bacteria is in the blood and treat accordingly like prescribing antibiotics and anti inflammatory . Also
consult cardiologist to rule out serious condition like stroke . Doctor may order blood tests , CT scan , MRI , carotid ultrasound , cerebral angiogram and echocardiogram . Doctor may also refer you to
endocrinologist to rule out diabetic condition . Doctor may also refer you to gastroenterologist for acid reflux .
Hope your concern has been resolved.
Get Well Soon.
Best Wishes,
Dr. Harry Maheshwari