Thanks for your consultation at HCM !
I have gone through your entire history and being your physcian i fully understands your health concerns.. To begin with , you have got
ABDOMINAL PAIN as your major complaints...
As far as chest pain is concerned , it has got alot of differentials.. i can guide you about it so that you may reach a logical conclusion...
CHEST PAIN occurs in LUNG PROBLEMS , HEART PROBLEMS and CHEST WALL MUSCULAR better consult your doctor so that proper workup has been done in order to reach a final diagnosis..
you are required to have an CHEST
x ray , ECG , ECHO and FULL BLOOD COUNT...So consult your doctor because A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE ..
MOREOVER , the abdominal pains also have too many differentials. Thorough physical examination augmented with the investigations like
ULTRASOUND will help your doctor to reach the final dont be late in consulting your doctor..
hope your querries are adequately entertained if u still have any feel free to ask directly on my profile ..
Dr Saad Sultan