Thank u doctor,my mother is a 47 YEAR old,has c/o right sided chest pain from last 6month,all cardiac related tastes was normal,fever some time,mild cough with no sputum,but the Dr found AFB + ve in gastric fluid ,anti tuberculosis treatment started since last one month,but,still she has weight loss and having sever back pain,less chest pain or chest symptoms, on CT scans now we found,necrotic areas and module in right upare lobe of lungs,small irregular hypodense lesion 15*10mm in Liverpool,partial collaps of D11 vertebra with small right paravertebral soft tissue thickening,so Dr.Plz answer me what is the relation of collaps d11 to the above problem and how to relieve her back pain,she is menopoused,Dr guided biopsy report is awaited,plz Dr,. Help me.