My name is Sandi,I'm a women, 32 years old. I have smoked since I was a teenager. For the last 2 and half years I have had a very strange chest pain under my right breast. It comes and goes and is not always there. Sometimes, when it's here I have pain when breathing in deep. Then that goes away and it just feels like a pressure on that side(right side) of my chest. At one point,maybe a year and half ago I went into emergency because I panicked when I felt this pain. They took blood, and ekg, and a chest x ray and found nothing. Like I said it comes and goes every few months. My shoulder and middle back also hurt on the right side of my body as well,which also comes and goes which makes me think it might be a pinched nerve or something. I also get the same pain in the same area of my chest when I lift my right arm too long or move it around while its up. It seems to replicate this chest pain. I also feel this chest pain if I bend over.Is this all connected? I'm worried because I know I smoke, I always think lung cancer. I have no cough, no phlem, no breathing problems except when I feel the pain when breathing in, which is occaisoinally, I fear taking a deep breath so I breath shallower at those times. I excersise and it doesn't seem that I am out of breath or faint or my chest doesn't really even hurt. Someties when I take a deep breath it hurts my arm, and collar bone what do you think?