I just had surgery for orantal fistula on my right sinus, also had a tonsillectomy.It has been since the 17th that I have been on meds. I cannot eat the softest of foods. Anything I try to eat, I feel like I am drowning or suffocating. Every morning as I take my meds and vitamins, at least one will get stuck behind the uvula. Everything I try to eat, gets stuck UP BEHIND the uvula. This has given great distress as the Holidys are coming. I feel I am starving, but I eat popsicles. Pudding Jellos soft ANYTHING gets up behind the uvula. Why do I have this problem. I did have a follow up with Physician. Another next week. I have a little anxiety and I want to be ready for the Holidays. I have been literally feeling depressed realizing I may never be able to eat soft foods, besides normal foods.