I took Boniva for 6 months and stopped taking it because my jaw deteriorated and now I m in treatment for TMJ at the age of 69. It gets worse by the day, too. Also, I am having extreme back pain in the morning when I get up. Also developed arthritis in my big toe, resulting in a $300 insole for my walking shoes. In addition, I developed a severe burning sensation under my rib cage. Vision blurred, as well. Quit taking it in November and told the doctor why. She said my TMJ was not probably caused by Boniva but she was glad I quit taking the drug. She was talking out of both sides of her mouth, if you ask me. The doctor didn t recommend I have a jaw xray before taking Boniva, which is stated in the information that came with the drug. Only after all of these symptoms, unfortunately, did I read about the negative side effects. I am a bit mad at the doctor for not giving me these warnings verbally while in her office.