I have been sick for 2 months I was exposed to my sick grandbaby in April. she had a bad cold. She bubbled mucus out of her nose and mouth. unfortunately her doctor only have her Tylenol because she was only 6 months old. Then I caught it and it knocked me for a loop! I was EXTREMELY tired, my head and chest crackled loudly from bubbling mucous inside. My urine was even foamy/bubbly. All of my extremities ached, expecially joints. I had a yellow discharge when I blew my nose. I was given and antibiotic which slowly got rid of the yellow. All I ate the month of May was chicken noodle soup, I slept about 12 to 15 hours per day. As time went on, I would be able to do a little, then would have to lay down out of exhaustion and would sleep 2 hours. After about 6 weeks, I was better but still tired and achey sometimes and still had a terrible deep cough. This started as acute sinitisitis and moved to my lungs in about 1 week. I stayed religiously on the vitamins and antibiotics for the 2nd and 3rd week of the infection. I didn t go back for more, because I thought I was on the mend and my body would take over the healing from there. Then the first of June, my husband came down with it and gave it back to me. This time the mucous was green. I got new antibiotics and the green turned to yellow eventually. It cleared up and now is light yellow again. I don t have the crackling in my head, but have an occasional cough, am weak, my urine is still bubbly, foamy, I want to sleep all day, even tjough I I don t let myself. I am stiff. Two months ago I could sit on the floor and play with by grandchild. Today it is a huge effort to do so. My legs feel the tendons have shortened. I feel too weak to exercise. The pain in my muscles and joints comes and goes. and gets worse with exercise. My brain feels foggy, like there is something huring it and blocking it from thinking clearly. I feel like I am in a daze. I don t care for meat much any more and do not care for perfumes. I still have head conjestion. My daughter brought CMV up. I had never heard of it. What does this sound like to you and what should I do? I have 5 pills left on this last round of antibiotics.