I have had a headache/burning on my right side goes down to my ear for 5months. It never stops it is constantly the worse pain ever. I have had a CT & MRI the test show nothing. I have seen a Neurologist about 5 visits, no help with the medication he prescribed (Indomethacin 25Mg). I went to a Chiropractor no help. My primary doctor prescribed (Floricet) no help, recently he prescribed (Tramaol) I only told (1) pill and it made me so sick to my stomach nausea feeling, therefore I don't I can't say it help the headache because I am still in so much pain from the headache. My doctor is now sending me to a Rheumatogist. The blood test my primary doctor shows low in vitamin D, my blood sugar is 6.3, He checked my kidneys, gallbladder, liver all good.