I have beeen dx. with e.coli, only by symptoms; asked for blood serum (as shown in Merck s Manual) to tel for candidiasis albicans, so, but can get nobodyto agree. Dr,s in this area (atl) seem to either know nor care about treating or even doing pelvics re: this awfulo problem. Have had continuou UTI s and taken more than my share of antibiotics. still am plagued. also have been urged by an m.d.do take proiotics. Have used yogurt, vaginally, to finally get horrible itching to stop and it does help immensely. had a urethral diverticulum reoved several months ago; then took a round gray-ish opill about 6 weeks after for more itching; believe it did de-tox; but it seems to have a terrible hold on me. since m,d.s treaed me so rudely and sloughed me off with no phyical exams nor blood work, began to wonder if I were nly female on earth with this ugly problem. Found out that I am not alone; not by a long shot. can you tell me an expert type specialist *(no infectious diseases dr...they don t fool with this thing) who can trreat me andlet me pass along info. along to others I now know have this hideous problem???? Just a speialist..at the teaching hospital in atlanta???? or any other place for that matter. thanks in advance. Lola