I am a 35 year old female living in Brooklyn,NY. I moved here from Pennsylvania and am having a very hard time finding a pain management Dr, I have a history of chronic low back pain and have had 6 surgeries 2 fusions, one at the L5S-1 and one at the L 4-5 level I have been taking the same pain medication for a year plus now 60mg morphine sulphate ER and 50mg ultram 2 every 4-6 hrs or PRN EVERY pain management Dr I have seen wants to put me on lyrica and or Gabapentin when all it does is make me EXTREMELY DROWSY and I experience a loss of coordination as well as weight gain in excess of 20lbs... I don t know what to do and trying Dr after Dr after Dr when I have legitimate pain is becoming extremely depressing causing even more anxiety etc I m ready to give up! I m so down what advice if any do you have for a patient like me...who finally found medication that worked that I could live a regular life on, now everything has been disrupted and all Dr s care about is pushing the latest drug or saving themselves ? I also use chiropractics, yoga, and acupuncture