Hello my name is Tiffany I am a 39 year old female whom had a terrible complete gastric bypass some 8 years ago and it totally ruined my life. I am suffering from severe migraines, at times my sugar drops for what seems like no apparent reason, or I m extremely tired and fatigued, or cold after doing little to nothing. I finally got referred to an endocrinologist but it s still a month away, and I just went to the ER for a pulse rate of 191 and had to have my heart medicinally shocked back into correct rythum. From this times labs the doctor tells me that not only the tfree 4 which is the normal part of my thyroid that doesn t work is once again not working, however my tsh is now not working and it is now very low. I have gained about 50 just this year and don t know what to do other than just be frustrated. PLEASE HELP!