Hey, I got a very bad very sudden cold a couple of days ago which seemed like nothing but progressively I ve been getting this strange sensation in my ear which feels like I m under water when I speak or like there s liquid in my ear. Upon online research I ve assumed it s a middle ear infection that should clear up in a few days however people have stated they experience lots of pain with this which I have not however, I will get sharp pains that last a few seconds every once in awhile. I tried applying heat on the side of my face to help this but it only causes more pain and discomfort. My mother looked down my ear to see if anything was wrong, she said the eardrum was swollen and looked puffy, she looked again today, a day later and said it didn t look as puffy. Today is day 3 of this and now my ear feels itchy within as well. I still have a mild cold but not nearly as bad as it was to begin with. Is this a middle ear infection or am I wrong?