Hi, I was in a rear end collision a few months ago and had a pain in my neck and left shoulder, but it went away. Every so often, usually when something cold is around my left arm I get a aching pain in my shoulder, elbow and sometimes my wrist that wakes me up and makes it hard to go back to sleep. I was sleeping, uncovered with a fan on and around 5 this morning I woke up and my left elbow was aching and i just took a pain killer just over an hour ago and then my shoulder and wrist started having the aching pain as well. What could cause this? is my shoulder partially dislocated or is it somehow pinching a nerve of some kind? I have had similar pain before with my right arm and shoulder when it was partially dislocated from a worse car accident, but it seems to have gone away and only bugs me when i am in the winter cold air for too long, but it s summer, so why is my left arm hurting, should I get the x-ray my doctor told me to get or not? please let me know, thank you