hi Docter, I had my menses on the 5th October and my cycles are 28 to 35 days apart. I am 39 yrs old and is losing weight gradually. I have 4 kids aged 15, 12, 10 and 8 and breastfed consecutively for almost 10 yrs. however I still have colostrum type of milk coming from my breast but it is blue/greenish colour. they ve run a lot of test and a ct scan and all seems fine. creatanine levels, thyroid function, pituitary, etc. my periods is also very painful yet everything seems normal, I had an apparent miscarriage in early may but not sure that was the case although a urine test came up positive and two days later after my apparent period, blood test were +1 negand urine test. I suspect that it was a fibroid that twisted or something because the pain was constant and lasted for almost 2 weeks after the suspected miscarriage. what else could be causing all these annoying symptoms as my periods only last from 2 to 4 days tops,