I have a sore throat that is extremely dry all the time with occasional pain when swallowing, I also took a look at it and it seems to be very red and vainy with a few orange bumps at the back. I often wake in the mornings with white stuff coating the back of my throat which (excuse the disgusting details) makes me gag and almost sick when i try to clear it. I have also been experiencing some strange sensations, tghtness in my throat, feeling unbalanced and sometimes disorientated. I also have trouble concentrating and have difficulty engaging in conversation as I often lose track of what is happening, could this be due to infection? I also experience fatigue most of the time and rarely get hungry , I have had thoracic back pain for over a year also. The confusion and memory loss seems to be getting worse and its scaring me. I don t know if my symptoms are all related but thats what im experiencing. May i add i suffer from health anxiety and this is making me really concerned for my health. I have looked up online and it ranges from strep throat, to Hypothyroisism and cancer, Im very worried.