Mild congestion 3 days ago, Then scratchy throat, 2 days ago fever 101 F, body aches,chills, fatigue, sore throat.Yesterday fever but less 100.6 F painful sore throat like little cuts in it, then in the afternoon started getting itchy painful bumps on palms and soles of feet. Today rash is worse but still confined to hands and feet and very painful,itchy and burning,some are becoming for erythematous and looking like going to blister. Cool water can calm it for a minute but its worsening. Hurts to walk, to pick up a glass and even typing causes pain. What is this? it is on both sides. I have had my flu shot and I ve had chicken pox. They say the rash with hand foot mouth isnt painful but this is very painful, terribly itchy and inflamed and hot to touch. How long will I be contagious?