about 2 1/2 years ago I had a sharp shooting pain on the lower right side of my abdomen. I thought it was my appendix rupturing. I am not one to normally go to the doctors and the lady I was living with told me I was just being a drama queen. so I tool ibprophen and tried to sleep. it eventually passed. about 6 months later it happened again but on the other side. I went to the doctor this time. she did a pap smear and said she didn t feel anything. said it was probably cycits forming in my overies and rupturing. about 6 months ish after that I had a UTI. By the time I was able to get to the pharmacy to pick up my meds, the uti had passed. lasted about 4ish days. about 6ish months after that I had what I thought was another uti. went to urgent care because I didn t want to wait three weeks to see my dr and have it pass. dr told me I had no STDs but a uti. gave me meds. a day later I get a call from the nurse informing me it was infact not a UTI but if the medicine was working to Keep taking it. why on earth would I take meds for something I don t have and if not a UTI (after they told me it was in the first place) than what? a month or two after that visit I started leaking. at first I just ignored it. I thought maybe I wasn t wiping all the way or something. it only happened a few times a month and just a little dribblet. then it started happening a few times a week, that s when I started to get annoyed. and now it happens everyday. not just when I cough or sneeze but mainly when I just stand up. i still get the urge to pee normally. this is different almost. i don t feel anything until it is rolling down my leg. every orning when i climb out of bed, when i get up from sitting down and just a few days ago, i latterly peed the bed. but didn t notice. i still have feeling down there because i am still able to enjoy intercourse. after that i decided to see a dr the next day.the took a urine sample but found no explenations for this. the refured me to a urologist and now i have to wait two freaking months but i don t know if i can do that. it is getting worse and i am afraid to wear pants to work because i don t want people to see a little wet spot. oh and my not UTI that happened 6ish months ago, that Sharo shooting pain was back. i was doubled over and couldn t walk. that too eventually passed again. not its just slight discomfort when i push on my abdomen. and I have not gained or lost any weight at all in the last two years but ive been bloating more ofter. no blood in my urine and no movement. don t know if I should go into the walk in clinic/urgent care on my day off or not. I don t really want to wait two months to see the urologist. do you have any ideas what could be the matter?