Went to ER with constant dry cough, shortness of breath and tightness in chest and was in distress with over exertion activity. BP 138/91, Pulse 110, Resp 16, Temp. 99.1, Pulse Ox 95%. There was an abnormal chest x-ray due to pleural effusion in the LEFT side (thoracentesis done yielding 680 cc serous fluid). TB GOLD ordered-negative. CBC and CMP also ordered with the following abnormal ranges: WBC High @ 12.4 (10*3/uL), NEUTROPHILS High @ 81.54%, LYMPHOCYTES Low @ 4.88%, MONOCYTES High @ 11.53%, ABS NEUTROPHILS High @ 10.11 (10*3/uL), ABS LYMPHOCYTES Low @ .61 (10*3/uL), ABS MONOCYTES High @ 1.43 (10*3/uL). Estimated GFR was 60. ALBUMIN Low @ 3.2 g/dL. Some Dr. notes: Focal pleural-based thickenings are noted at the right base, that are most favored to relate to areas of pleural thickening. Attention on follow up would be of benefit. A focal linear nodular scar is also noted at the anterior aspect of the right upper lobe. Heart of normal size. Small amount of pericardial effusion is seen. Question soft tissue fullness that may relate to residual thymus versus small amount of loculated pericardial effusion in the anterior mediastinum. No lymphadenopathy is appreciated.