I am 3 months post microdiscectomy of the L5/S1 region. What was supposed to be a one day surgery lasted 7 days due to a really aggressive csf leak, that took two blood patches to correct. My neurosurgeon explained to be that I produce csf at a very fast rate and prescribed me acetazolamide to slow down production. About a month on those he took me off of them and at first I was fine. Then I noticed HAs about once a week. Now, as of July until the present I have horrible head pressure to the point of blurry vision. It is almost constant now, and I can t even sleep lying flat without my eyes feeling like they will pop out of my skull. I have spoke to him about this and he has decided to brush it off and has no answers. I have been to the ER twice and both times I was told just anxiety, given Ativan, and pushed out the door. Now my VA doc is wanting to put me on Zoloft for depression! I had a normal MRI/CT, however, I have not had a spinal tap. Other symptoms include tingling in my whole body with the head pressure goes up. I have completely lost my appetite. My concerns are that my csf flow is being obstructed or not reabsorbing correctly. I am no dummy when it comes to medicine. I was a combat medic in the Air Force for almost 7 years and almost finished with my nursing degree. Is there any insight you might have to this constant head and facial pressure? Thank you!