I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain loss of teeth can occur when there is weakening of gums and loss of attachment of gums from the teeth due to infection leading to gradual mobility of teeth and if proper care and treatment is not taken the teeth will start falling..
These conditions are commonly seen in patients with
Diabetes and also smokers.
As your teeth have already started falling, simply brushing the teeth or using any
topical medication will not help..
You need to consult a Periodontist [
gum disease specialist] and get evaluated and a thorough clinical examination, full mouth
x ray and blood sugar levels will be advised to be done to rule out the exact cause of the problem and treatment can be done accordingly..
You can be advised deep scaling and curettage of teeth and gums followed by antibiotics and anti inflammatory painkillers and topical
massage with antibiotic ointment and antiseptic mouthwash gargles..
If blood sugar levels are found high
consult a Diabetologist and taking proper oral hypoglycemic drugs and dietary modifications can help..
In case if there is excess gum recession, Flap surgery can be advised..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.