I m getting dull constant pains between my shoulder blades, with sharper pains on the right side, in the back, and occasional pains on the right side of my stomach. I smoke 2 packs of cigs/day for 40 years. My father died of lung cancer at 65 - I am 64 female, diabetic since 1995. Do you think it sounds more like its lung shut down or cancer-related? Sounds stupid, I know. I have Essential Tremors (probably from Chantix several years ago) for which I take Topiramate 25mg 2 or 3x/day, an untreated broken back (lower) that was misdiagnosed in an ER many years ago as the biggest muscle spasm the doctor had ever seen. I get occasional dizziness, especially when tilting my head back. I sometimes feel like I have something stuck in my throat. I have not seen a doctor for about 3 years since my PCP told me I d be dead in 2-3 years when I told her I was having occasional chest pains and palpitations at night and requested a referral to a Cardiologist. She said we d get my diabetes under control first and gave me a referral to a Podiatrist to have my toenails trimmed. I don t really have a lot of faith in doctors any more. I m just not sure what to do -- besides try to find the right kind of doctor. Can you tell me what this might sound like?