When I try to urinate,Either I can t go without having to strain,or I go a small amount & feel like I still need to go. To be able to empty my bladder, I have to wait until its at the point of not making it to the toilet on time,only then will the urine flow freely and not feel like I have to go again right away. And this feeling like I need to go,occupies my mind & interferes with my daily life I have been checked for UTI s, which are negative, but that s similar to what it feels like. I have also had a sonogram of my kidney s when I felt like I needed to go, but it showed I only had about a half of a cup of urine in my kidney s @ the time. Please disregard .my question, somehow I overlooked this was a pay for an opinion service. My bad,I apologize, but,we just g or our son out of ICY for a week, & just can t put anything else on a card right now. I ll just keep dealing with it .Again sorry to have missed that. God bless.