Hi, I really need serious help, I feel like am living in a dream world and that I act like a robot, here are symptoms I have: Symptoms: * My voice feels like it s not mine * Always easy to feel tired and fall a sleep even while I already sleep 8+ hours * Feel like being a zombie or a robot * Feel Disconnected, unreal or like being in a dream * Sometimes wonder how am I capable of doing my work or every day activity, feel like my body is on auto pilot mode where it does the work but am not controlling it because am sleepy * Don t remember details as used to be, sometimes am amazed of how much details I missed even while they were in front of my eyes all the time and any normal human would notice them * Feel like stunned or drugged * Having Fog mind * Always wondering who am I, and can t find an answer to this * When reading on computer screen then looking away at a wall, what s written on wall looks like not clear and not readable All above Symptoms change in degree depending on activity, but they are always there except in the 1st 1 - 3 minutes when I wake up from a good sleep, I don t feel them (Or maybe don t notice them)