Constant, stabbing, sharp pain in right upper trapezius area that sends a pulsating spasm feeling along the right side of spine and stops around mid-back and radiates to the front of diaphragm. Discomfort has now traveled to my outer right wrist. I ve had this daily pain for almost 2 years now, Nothing impressive on spinal MRI, EMG is normal. Brain MRI showed hemangioma in cerebellum and another hemangioma in my T-1 vertebrae. Which neurologist said didn t mean anything alarming. I had a 1st right rib resection with total scalenectomy in May for Thoracic outlet syndrome. In September I had a pectoral minor release done because I was still having the upper trapezius pain. These surgeries have only helped the numbness I use to have in my arm. I have seen numerous specialist, physical therapy for months, chiropractor treatments, medications do not help, the pain intensifies with just simple task like folding laundry. I do not know what to do or who to turn to next? Finally decided to see pain specialist and he said there was nothing that could be done to correct it. No one can figure out if this is a nerve, muscle issue, or disease related? I m just lost and tired, so tired of dealing with this every single day with no hope of correcting it. I just live with it but it s taking a huge toll on me physically and mentally now. Any ideas would be an answered prayer for me!!