i am a 37 year old healthy woman, however all of a sudden i have started having constant stomach pain, burning sensation before and after i pee....very painful and hardly any urine. i have always started my periods on time my whole life, however, i have not had a period for nine months and just in the past two days sex has become very uncomfortable for me and has always been enjoyable. now i just feel burning, sharp pains in lower back and lower stomach area with a strong, burning need to pee yet nothing happens but a few drops and i burn and cramp for hours after, which is practically all day and night due to the number of trips to he restroom. also dont know if its related but i have very painful mouthsores that just appeared today, and i very seldom have bowel movements and whenevr i do have one it is extremely painful and usually has blood mixed with it. i have recently went to the dr. 1 month ago and he said my blood work was normal, and my urine looked good. i am very frustarated and confused and dont like going to the dr. anyway so if you have any advice you can give me on this i would greatly appreciate it....thank you