Hi, I get alot of abdominal pains and feel like im so bloated and there is a constant dull, throbbing ache. I also have a lump down below but when doctor examined me he told me i had a lower bowel, but told me to have a smear to be on the safe side. Which i did... Then i got my results back within 8 days which was severe dyskaryosis. I have an appointment for a colposcopy in 5 days. Now im slightly worried because i have been to my doctor about these pains before and he told me they were stomache spasms. Ive also had problems with my hormones, they have been hitting through the roof, and i dont know if im coming or going??? Ontop of all this i had blood test on my hormones a few month ago to which they came back abnormal and that i wasnt fertile, then when taking again the next month came back fine??? I have also had to have treatment for facial hair (which i had to pay hundred of pounds out of my own money for) which has layed heavy on my confidence.... I get constant back ache too, i feel my body is a complete mess right now and everytime i get these throbbing/dull ache pains (On a daily basis) i worry more incase these cells are spreading? Please can you give me some advice im only 23 years old and i know that my body doesnt right i feel. Much appreciated. thank you