Hello, I have this problem where I constantly feel the need to flex or stretch my muscles and have had it for years. It started in my legs but in recent years has become very prominent in my neck and shoulder. When I flex, I get a sense of relief , and then it starts back up again. I also have tourettes, and the feeling when I flex is similar to the relief I get from doing my tics associated with my tourettes. My question is if this is another tic or something else, I ve been told it s probably not a tic, but I m not sure I believe that because it just feels so similar to one. Whether it is one or not though, is there anything I can take for it? My neck aches all the time from this and sometimes I feel like I ve pulled something it s so bad and then I can t move my neck for a short time but the urge to flex it is still there! It also makes me work much slower than I would without it.