Thank you for posting query.
presentation of
constipation followed by bloody
many causes for bloody diarrhea including infectious diarrhea,
inflammatory bowel disease, hemorrhoids and so on,
further evaluation is needed.
1. complete blood cell count 2.
stool test / culture 3, ESR (if you have a long history of present symptoms)
you did not mention your age.
as age>55, better to visit gastroenterologist asap and he maybe adviced to undergo
colonoscopy to rule out any malignant disease.
further advice:
- thrice daily , take two tea spoon (or one big spoon) ispagula with 200 to 300 mL water
- eat small meals (rich in fiber)
-eat plentiful "fresh oranges" and "pear "
- AVOID junk food(NO burger , pizza) altogether
- avoid beverages / alcohol/ soft drinks
any further questions are welcomed.
hope to answer your concern.
Health professionals aim to diagnose properly and manage patients according to their limited knowledge. Cure is blessed by the ONE who Created us, whose power and knowledge is unlimited .
wish you good health.
Dr Tayyab Malik